CSB/SJU Micro-Internships

What are CSB/SJU Micro-Internships?

CSB/SJU Micro-Internships are short-term, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. These projects are created by partners and completed remotely by CSB/SJU students. The goal is to refine and showcase skills, explore career paths, and build their networksProjects are also a source of income, as wherever possible, CSB/SJU Micro-Internships hosts are encouraged to pay students for their work. Decisions around the rate of pay and processes for payment are left to the discretion of the host. 

Partners can create and students can complete CSB/SJU Micro-Internships at any time, year-round. The goal would be to engage a student for at least 40 hours of work or more across one month or longer. CSB/SJU Micro-Internships can be created by for-profit, non-profit and government entities ranging from established corporations to emerging start-ups or social impact ventures. Remote project work can span across many/all departments including sales, marketing, technology, HR, finance and more. 

CSB/SJU Micro-Internship Hosts

CSB/SJU Micro-Internship hosts develop and facilitate short-term, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. These projects are created by partners and completed remotely by CSB/SJU students. The goal is to refine and showcase skills, explore career paths, and build their networksWe’ve even created a list of project examples, as well as video guidance. We hope this allows hosts to generate project ideas they can post as "CSB/SJU Micro-Internship" on Handshake. We encourage alums and external partners to create and post as many projects as they have available to support CSB/SJU students. 

Why would an organization offer a Micro-Internship?

CSB/SJU Micro-Internships offer organizations and hosts unique benefits including: 

  • ongoing access to our talented CSB/SJU students who can complete a wide range of projects to meet your organization’s goals
  • long-term recruitment connections, including remote opportunities to connect with a diverse talent pool  
  • cost-effective talent, with minimal training needed and no cost to recruit CSB/SJU students
  • posting a CSB/SJU Micro-Internship is quick and easy, using Handshake, to access 3,400+ Bennies and Johnnies
  • improved retention in entry-level roles and reduced attrition

How would an organization create and recruit a CSB/SJU Micro-Intern?

CSB/SJU Micro-Internships should be posted to Handshake. We've even created a video tutorial outlining how to do this, as well as sample position descriptions you can use as a starting point for your organization! Be sure to include “CSB/SJU Micro-Internship” in the title of the position you post, so students can find these important projects. XPD staff and others campus champions will encourage students to search for these projects using “CSB/SJU Micro-Internship” as a keyword. CSB/SJU Micro-Internship hosts are encouraged to vet student applications and follow standard hiring processes established by the organization. Hosts can create applications in Handshake, through their company profile, to help them find the right student for their project. A resume and cover letter or brief essay are encouraged to help hosts determine the best candidate with related skills and interests. 

Sample Position Descriptions:

Project Tips for Micro-Internship Hosts: As you consider what projects you could transform into a remote or virtual micro-internships at your company, please consider the following project examples.  

  • Is there a book, article, or newsletter you're writing that you need edited? 
  • Need assistance with research that can be completed remotely?  
  • Need short-term support in advertising, market research, graphic design, or creating a stronger social media presence? 
  • Have you created new ways to communicate with clients? Need a student to respond to increased texts, calls, etc. as trained crisis-communications respondents? 
  • Are there documents students could translate into other languages? 
  • Have you collected data that needs to be analyzed and you can't find the time?
  • Always dreamed of your organization having a more sophisticated webpage? 
  • Do you need coding or programming support? 
  • Are there creative projects that can be accomplished remotely: painting, designing, crafting, building, 3D printing, writing, etc.? 
  • Do you need virtual technology support for your team? Do you have video conference calls to be set up and managedonline discussion posts and questions to be moderated; online collaboration to create documents or presentations to an audience and managing questions? 
  • Do you have an open position at your company? Consider watching this video to explore ways to pivot a full-time or internship position into a micro-internship! 

How do I determine the amount of hours or how much to pay a CSB/SJU Micro-Intern?

There isn't a universal answer, as each project requires different skills and outcomes. With each micro-internship, you and your team should assess appropriate length/s and pay rate/s. XPD recommends an honest assessment of the hours required for the project, as well as checking in during the experience to determine if an extension is needed or not. The amount of hours should then be multiplied by an appropriate rate of pay (no less than minimum wage rates in the organization's home state).  According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, average rates of pay range from $16-$20 per hour for undergraduate students. Longer, more complicated projects requiring specialized skills, should be paid at higher rates.

I've hosted an intern before, but what should I keep in mind as I supervise a Micro-Intern?

There's no doubt about it. Supervisng short-term, project-based work looks a little different than a longer term, internship experience. If you have questions, please consult the guidelines below or contact Laura Hammond, XPD Associate Director.

  • No matter the project, be clear about your expectations and project goals so that CSB/SJU Micro-Interns understand what should be accomplished. Offer examples, input, timelines and guidance so work can be completed in the way you are expecting and by the deadline anticipated. 
  • Consider realistic project timelines, including the number of hours required to complete your project. Check in often to see if your student has questions or is experiencing challenges – you are their educator and mentor in this work! 
  • Provide ongoing feedback so students know whether or not they are on the right track before the term of the CSB/SJU Micro-Internship is completed.