Writing Center

FAQs and Additional Information

How does the Writing Center help?

We offer an informal atmosphere where students can bring questions to their peers. Our one-on-one sessions allow both the tutor and the student to work through procedures and strategies in order to help improve the student's writing abilities.

Where are the Writing Centers located?

We have locations at both campuses:

  • CSB Writing Center HAB 103
  • SJU Writing Center Alcuin 349 

When can I schedule an appointment?

Hours at the CSB & SJU Writing Centers vary. You can view when tutors are available on The Hive

What can I expect when I come?

You and your tutor will work together to improve your paper and build your skills for the future. First, your tutor will ask you questions about your goals for your current writing project and/or your writing in general. From there, the structure of the appointment will depend on what you want to accomplish. If your goal is to brainstorm, you and the tutor will converse about your ideas. A strategy used frequently at the writing center is to read your draft of the paper (if you have one) our loud. In general, your tutor will prioritize broad structural and conceptual issues (purpose, organization, structure, evidence, etc.) before moving on to smaller issues like grammar, mechanics and word choice. However, we are hapy to answer questions you may have so that you can proceed with confidence.

Appointments & Scheduling

How do I schedule an appointment?

Go to The Hive

  • Login using your CSB/SJU email and password(s)
  • Once you're logged in, find the 'Writing Center' in your Success Network and schedule a 30 or 60 minute appointment with a tutor.

Step-by-step scheduling instruction can be found here.

Help! I can't schedule an appointment.

Your account could be disabled. If you miss five Writing Center appointments without canceling in advance, you will be temporarily restricted and unable to schedule any future appointments without contacting the CSB|SJU Writing Centers. To do so, please email [email protected].

I need help with a specific topic. Can I work with someone with knowledge in that area?

Of course! Visit the "Writing Center Staff" page in the menu above to learn about our tutors and their specialties.

Appointment Tips and Reminders

  • Walk-in appointments are welcome if a tutor is available, although signing up via the Hive ensures that there will be a tutor ready to work with you.
  • After scheduling an appointment, check your email for confirmation.
  • You can visit the Writing Center at any stage of your writing process, whether you need to brainstorm, need a person to read your polished draft before you turn it in, or are anywhere in between.

Additional Information

Are there any additional resources for students?

Yes, the Writing Center has a "Student Resources" page that provides materials and resources to help students with their writing. 

Can I get a job at the Writing Center?

We are glad to hear about your interest in joining our team. Click here to learn more about becoming a tutor!

I still have questions!

See our Powerpoint introduction, contact us at [email protected], or stop by the Writing Center today!