Liturgical Press

For thousands of readers across the world, the name “Collegeville” is synonymous with solid and expressive liturgy, the Benedictine monastic life, and publications for both the popular and the academic market produced by Liturgical Press, a publishing house established in 1926. “The Press” consists of forty-five or so monks and lay people who publish four journals, two seasonal Mass guides, a Sunday Bulletin series, and a steady flow of books, compact disks, and CD-ROMs on the liturgy, theology, monastic studies, spirituality, and Scripture. Its four imprints—Liturgical Press Books, Michael Glazier Books, Pueblo Books, and The Saint John's Bible—provide its pastoral readership with liturgical books and parish ministry materials, and its academic readership with textbooks and commentaries on Scripture, theology, and monastic studies, as well as reference works for the seminary and college classroom and the library market. In publishing journals, parish periodicals, approximately seventy new titles each year, and maintaining a catalog of more than a thousand titles, Liturgical Press furthers its mission to “actively proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.”